Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Born Pretty Holo Polish Blue #10 and Purple #11 Review!

So, back again, and yeah it’s been a while. Sorry! 

I’m JUST now getting a chance to really relax. The school semester was long and hard, but in the end I got 2 A’s and 2 B’s. I can’t complain. I know when I did my first Born Pretty holo polish review, I swore I’d do the others as I get them, and I forgot to do the purple polish. I apologize. I will, therefore, be reviewing both the #10 Blue Holo, and the #11 Purple Holo . Both came from Ebay, and take about a month and a half to arrive because they're coming from China. But, the price is right, they're between $3.40 to $4.00 total for each polish. So if you're looking for a cheaper Holo option, these are great. 

The one I got first was the purple, so let’s start with that. 

The color on it was gorgeous, and it was pretty opaque after 2 coats. I tried it once with two, and then with 3 coats, and while 3 looked better, it lasted on the nail much longer in 2. I did not get a chance to layer this onto a base color, so it may look better on that. 

It’s pretty durable, when you wear it in 2 coats + topcoat. It lasted me a week and a few days, and that’s with washing dishes, doing laundry, all that jazz. Repair on it, like I often do when my nails begin chipping to make it last longer, didn’t look great. The colors layer, so even when you have it opaque, or semi opaque, once you start putting polish on the chipped areas to fix it, you’re left with an uneven blotchy spot on the nail. The pink was much easier to repair, I think due to the general lightness of the color. 

It applied beautifully though, and dries fast, so those are both pluses for me!

Now, onto the blue. 

The Blue polish was better for me than the purple when it comes to color, and it took the usual 2 coats to achieve the desired color. I also got to layer this onto a base color of dark blue, and it looks fabulous on that. 

However, the blue seems to be less durable than the purple, because in less than 2 days, I had my first chips. Over half the thumbnail chipped off in the second day, and all the polish tips were severely chipped. I tried to repair the chips, but that was no use, because this color blotched more than the last. Once it chips, it’s done. 

It still applies great, though. And the drying time is still speedy. 

I’ve got another one in the mail, and I’ll post a review of that once I get it. I’ll have more time now that I’m no longer going to school on campus. I now go to school online, because my Chloe-bear needs me more than Averett University does. 

So, until next time, people!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Born Pretty HOLO NAIL POLISH 03 Review!

Whats up Buttercups? 

So, I have discovered an awesome little factoid... I... Am a holosexual. 

Holo. As in Holographic. As in Holographic nail polish. 

Recently I started watching a Youtube channel called Simply Nailogical. (See above) I love watching nail art that I could never do, so yeah. Well, she showcases these rainbow-y glitter polishes known as Holo polishes. All kinds of companies make them, you just have to hunt. And in my hunt, I found a really nice, and cheap, brand on Ebay called Born Pretty. When I say cheap, I can get it for $3.25 a bottle. That’s cheap. 

Not my fingers. But this is the polish.
I ordered two bottles. One of them came in about a week ago, the other one is still in transit. (It needs to come in soon, I need it for my wedding...) 

When I get nail polishes, I look for staying power... How chip resistant is it? What kind of abuse does it tolerate before it gets chipped? How long does it last? Does it dull?

I will answer all of these questions. But first, holy crap look at those rainbows. Holo is best viewed in direct light, like outside in the sun, but I took a few pics in the darker light using my flash, and it brought out the rainbows nicely. 

It applied nicely, dried fast. It was a bit transparent so it took two coats to get this look, next time I do it, I’ll use 3 coats to see if that makes a difference. 

So, Day 1, it lasted pretty well, to be honest. Better than I thought for a cheaper nail polish. I washed dishes with it on, did laundry, swept and mopped. No chips. 

Day 2-4 were uneventful, very minor chippage, and they took a lot of abuse. A LOT. 

Pics from Day 5. Note the no chipping. 

Day 5 was the last day I wore it, and that’s because I took a major chip out while working on my car, and there was no getting around it. It was snagging on things. So, after cleaning the bathroom and scrubbing the tub (without further chipping I might add), I used some acetone and took it off. 

Now, this worked nothing like glitter, because it came right off easily with a little wiping. The holo effect was smooth and gorgeous! 

This color was 03 (yes, that is the name) and while the bottle is small, I can see it lasting a while. I’ve got color 11 in the mail, which is a darker purple, and 10 was ordered today, which is a robin’s egg blue. I plan to get ALL of the colors, and take pics, review, all that jazz. While I’m normally a mom blogger, I have to admit, this is something I enjoy too. 

So, Born Pretty 03 in a Mid-opaque pink? 
LOVE it. Definitely recommend. BUT if you buy it, order off ebay. You can get it for 1/3 of the price as ordering from the Born Pretty store online. 

Friday, February 26, 2016

Mama Bear is PISSED! (Discrimination against my child)

So, yes it's been a while, but we've had a long few months.

I feel, now, a need to vent. But first I need to explain. 

Yes, I am in THIS mode right now. Coffee no longer calms me. Watch out.

Rayne was diagnosed with ADHD and ODD a few days ago. Which, to be fair, her father and I were expecting. She also has a stutter that has been diagnosed and will be seeing speech therapy. Now, I have been speaking to the teachers off and on all school year about this, and they told me many times, she is fine, we notice nothing that encompasses these problems you seem to notice… Well, you know me, I don't take that as an answer, so when it got so bad that my daughter started to cry because she couldn't 'talk right' (her words… ), I took her to the doctor, and they spotted her stutter immediately. Jump forward a week, and her teacher tells me that, suddenly, her behavior in school is so bad that she is getting yellow or red on her behavior chart every day almost, and therefore, needs to see the doctor. I took her, and they told me she has pretty clear ADHD symptoms, including impulsivity, uncontrollable fidgeting, and more. We're NOT medicating, I don't believe in medicating kids for ADHD unless it's a LAST resort.


I took the paperwork to the school, and asked about accommodations. Apparently, because she is academically GIFTED and not failing, there are no accommodations. (She tests at a Kindergarten, and some in a 1st grade level)

I spoke to Chloe's therapist, and while she agrees that Rayne does not qualify for an IEP, she DOES qualify for a 504 plan, which is, by definition, "The 504 Plan is a plan developed to ensure that a child who has a disability identified under the law and is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution receives accommodations that will ensure their academic success and access to the learning environment.”

She is in Pre-k, that counts as elementary, and she needs accommodations to help her with her impulsive behavior. She qualifies for a 504 plan.

So, I go back to her school and confront her principal about this. She LIES to me, and tells me that 504 plans are ONLY for testing, and that Pre-k does NOT do 504 plans. 

Lies. LIES.

A- Pre-K is considered to be part of Elementary school. Kids there CAN get a 504 plan!

B- 504 plans are not just tools to help with testing, that is an IEP, they are geared more for testing.

So, she thinks I'm an idiot, or she just doesn't think I'll push the subject. But if there's anything you know about me, it's that I am a serious advocate for my daughters. I will get her the accommodations she is ENTITLED to under the law. And yes, under the Americans with Disabilities Act, she is entitled to those accommodations.

My next step is the school board. And I WILL win under due process. They're discriminating against my kid based on her behavior, and not helping her based on her needs like they should. It's still one of those things that get angry and annoyed about! Why, just because she is in pre-k, do they act like she isn't entitled to help!? She is!

So, watch your backs, school board. Because this mama bear is getting ready to throw her porridge all over your stupid heads. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Target Dry Spray Vox Box Review!

So, I got the Target Dry Spray Vox Box in the mail about 2 weeks ago, and decided I wasn't going to blog about it or anything until we had given it a good, proper testing. When I opened the box, we found two full size Dove dry antiperspirant sprays. He stopped using his deodorant, as did I, and we immediately switched to the sprays.

In the first few days:
Both of us noticed that the odor we would usually get after about 12 hours of our regular deodorant was gone. I mean fully gone. We were smelling fresh all day long, which was awesome to both of us. I go to college, so it's important I smell nice, and while he works on cars and doesn't need to smell as nice, it's been awesome having him come home and be able to hug him without wanting to run from the smell of a busy day.

End of week one:
We love these things. Seriously. I think the only problem we have, is that it doesn't last as long as it says on the can, and once we sleep it's pretty much done, we need to shower, but it does a hell of a lot better than what we were using. My arms are smoother, and I don't get wet at all during the day. I no longer sweat when I get hot in a warmer classroom. I'm really excited to take this FL. He's said the same thing. We really like using these sprays.

End of week 2:
We've been cooped up after the snow, and I was in the hospital, and these things got us through both things. I spent the night in the hospital, and didn't smell nearly as bad as I normally would with a day of no showering. We both have been smelling better.

All in all... we're switching products. We're going to keep using these dry sprays. Where they take more room in the bathroom, they are worth it, 100%.