So, I got the Target
Dry Spray Vox Box in the mail about 2 weeks ago, and decided I wasn't
going to blog about it or anything until we had given it a good,
proper testing. When I opened the box, we found two full size Dove
dry antiperspirant sprays. He stopped using his deodorant, as did I,
and we immediately switched to the sprays.

In the first few
Both of us noticed that the odor we would usually get after about 12 hours of our regular deodorant was gone. I mean fully gone. We were smelling fresh all day long, which was awesome to both of us. I go to college, so it's important I smell nice, and while he works on cars and doesn't need to smell as nice, it's been awesome having him come home and be able to hug him without wanting to run from the smell of a busy day.
Both of us noticed that the odor we would usually get after about 12 hours of our regular deodorant was gone. I mean fully gone. We were smelling fresh all day long, which was awesome to both of us. I go to college, so it's important I smell nice, and while he works on cars and doesn't need to smell as nice, it's been awesome having him come home and be able to hug him without wanting to run from the smell of a busy day.
End of week one:
We love these
things. Seriously. I think the only problem we have, is that it
doesn't last as long as it says on the can, and once we sleep it's
pretty much done, we need to shower, but it does a hell of a lot
better than what we were using. My arms are smoother, and I don't get
wet at all during the day. I no longer sweat when I get hot in a
warmer classroom. I'm really excited to take this FL. He's said the
same thing. We really like using these sprays.
End of week 2:
We've been cooped up
after the snow, and I was in the hospital, and these things got us
through both things. I spent the night in the hospital, and didn't
smell nearly as bad as I normally would with a day of no showering.
We both have been smelling better.
All in all... we're
switching products. We're going to keep using these dry sprays. Where
they take more room in the bathroom, they are worth it, 100%.