Monday, May 20, 2013

I hate doctors...

I fucking HATE doctors. I really do. 

Some of you may remember me posting about my grandpa last night? Well, for those who don't, he had a mini stroke the night before last, and was unable to walk, had BAD hip pain, plus the issues from the stroke, so my parents convinced him to go to the ER. Mini strokes, however, can't be 'proven' or diagnosed VIA machines, they go by symptoms, at least that's what we were told. He had all of the classic signs of a mini stroke. 

We got him admitted, had to basically argue with the ER doctor for THAT to happen... and as we thought, as soon as the meds wore off, he was in worse shape pain wise in his back than he was before. My pop does NOT go to doctors... so when he caves, something is WRONG. He can barely walk to use the bathroom... 

They said last night, it was definitely a fractured hip. Well this morning, they decided they were wrong... no, instead they think it's something to do with his spine. 

They want him to do physical therapy. Without a sure diagnosis. With a seriously bad back problem. Didn't want to do an MRI, didn't want to do ANYTHING. 

I mean, I'm all for physical therapy, it was a lifesaver when I had broken my ankle. The difference is... THEY KNEW MY SHIT WAS BROKEN! They have NO idea exactly why my poor grandpa can barely fucking MOVE, and they want him in physical therapy?? DO YOUR DAMN JOBS and fucking get a diagnosis before you toss him in therapy for fuck's sake!!! 

And my Aunts, who have YET to volunteer to do SHIT to help my grandma out around the house while he's in the hospital... get off your asses and help your dad. Come after work and mow the lawn, trim the hedges, clean the fucking pool that you bitched at him to open, HELP DO SOMETHING!!! ME and my SO should NOT be the only ones over there, but goddamn it, if we have to we'll be there day and night to make sure he gets the rest he needs once he goes home... 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Organ Trail Director's Cut- Review

I got a new game!!! I got Organ Trail Director’s Cut!

Now, if you’ve ever played Oregon Trail, you’ll know basically what to do in this game. There’s a few additional bonus things, but other than that, it’s pretty similar. Organ Trail is set in a post-apocalyptic setting, zombies have overtaken the major cities, and D.C. is lost. The government has ordered a nuclear strike in a few hours, and you and your friends have to gather supplies and head out. This is the same as the leaving time that you get when you play Oregon Trail, where you buy your items and leave. But it’s simplified, you get to choose what’s more necessary. Food, ammo, medkits, fuel, scrap, tires, batteries, and mufflers are what you need, now you just have to decide how BAD you need each thing.

Honestly, if you’re smart, and in the beginning I really wasn’t, this game is easy. Scavenge in from 10AM to 2PM DAILY, and you’ll have over 1000 oz of food in no time, and tons of scrap and money. Needing money and scrap are the BIG things in this game, so scavenge as much as you can in those hours of low zombie activity. You’ll need the scrap especially to fix your car, and it takes a LOT of scrap to repair it.

Be cautious with the extra stuff you want to see. And try and keep your whole party alive until the end. You’ll need every party member you can get. There’s a few minigames in the station wagon, one where you run over bandits who try and mess with you, and another where you avoid zombified deer that are in a herd behind you. Try and trade as MUCH as possible for fuel, because it’s expensive as shit to buy. That’s why you need a lot of scrap and money, you’ll have a need for it when you trade for other necessities.

I had really bad luck in this game, I had my muffler break about 14 times, and my tires blew out 3 times. Never had a battery die at least… and I kept my station wagon in good shape. I also had 3 members get bitten by zombies, and 2 had to be put down before getting into the safe zone at the end.

For the end, if you decide to find this game and get it, you’ll need to have a strategy going in. I couldn’t afford to die more than twice, so I ran to the bottom, went across, and up to get my gas cans, then went on and back at the top, rinse and repeat.

All in all, it was a really fun little game. Link for the site to purchase it on will be below.  Alternate means for acquiring said game will not be linked, but I WILL say… they do exist.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

OMG... Poop blowout...


I got up this morning like normal. Nothing big going on, had plans for this afternoon where company was coming over (something came up, hence me typing this instead of straightening like a mad woman), and was all around having a good morning, despite being unable to sleep last night. So I get a shower, I check the munchkin, and she’s fine. No messy diaper, barely peed. So I decide to shower, then change her, and give her a chance to really use that overnight diaper that’s almost bone dry…

I get out of the shower… and my child has poop all over her. Liquid like, runny poop.

Oh my GOD. I gagged. And I stood her up in the tub. It was one of those diapers where you just don’t try and use wipes… you use water and soap and pray it all comes off without you having to touch it a lot. All up the front, up the back, caked on like a big poopie mud pie.

I had to wash her butt for 5 minutes with gloves on to get it all cleaned up. It was super glued to her booty cheeks. It had gotten down her legs and out her diaper, so I KNEW somewhere in her room, there was some poop. That would come later. Like a tactical officer, I had to determine what would come first in the upcoming events… Do I rush to clean her room after I get her clean? Do I was the Dora underwear that she was wearing over her diaper that kept her from, thank GOD, removing her diaper? Do I throw away the wrapped up diaper? Choices, choices…

My order became underwear, room, then disposal. Washed out the undies, found the little bit of nasties in her room, then fully cleaned her room, then disposed of the diaper outside. Thank GOD she loves Spiderman, because that show kept her occupied while I was taking care of all of that…

I wonder how the rest of the day will go. It can’t get worse than that diaper! Why is the other half never home for these nasty diapers???

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Iron Man 3- Review *SPOILER ALERT*

So… Iron Man 3. Not going to lie, I’ve been excited about this movie since Iron Man 2 was premiering. I’ve been dying to see Tony Stark don the Iron Man suit once again. Saw who the villain was going to be, and got drippy with excitement! I LOVE the Mandarin as a villain in the comics! This will be epic, right?

Fucking wrong. I think it’s the worst thing Marvel’s had it’s name on since X-Men: The Last Stand. I LOVE Marvel. I will defend Marvel until the day I die on many of their decisions… this movie’s plot is not one of those decisions. Let me explain why before the fanboys get out their pitchforks and torches.

Note: Obviously, there’s going to be some spoilers ahead. Don’t read if you haven’t seen it and don’t want to be spoiled.

I warned you.

Well, the plot felt forced.  It was pushing things to work, it was forcing in action where it wasn’t needed. What the producer and director needs to understand, is that not everyone comes to a comic book movie to see big booms and crashes and explosions. Some of us come, nerdy as this sounds, for the characters, for the story. We want to see the main characters find love or win or whatever. We want more than action, we want suspense, romance, thrills! The movie felt like they shoved a bunch of explosions into inopportune spots and called it a day. That KILLED it for me.

Second, the Mandarin SUCKED. And I mean, seriously, it sucked. He was nothing like his badass comic counterpart, and that was NOT a good thing. I felt cheated when I found out exactly what was going on with him. It was like when they screwed up the Phoenix in X3. Left a bad taste in my mouth.

Third, if you can’t do something right, something the way the comics did it, or similar at least, then DON’T DO IT. The Iron Patriot was supposed to be a BAD guy at first…Norman Osborne to be exact. It was a storyline all in it’s own right. And instead, they made it a simple color change and weapons upgrade. Seriously… that’s just shitty to fans of the comics…

All 3 of those things really killed it for me. However… it did have some redemption in  Pepper Potts. She FINALLY became a bit of a badass, and got to use the Iron Man suit. Could Rescue, Pepper’s very own suit, be in the series future? And she kicked ass at the end of the movie with the Extremis in her veins. That made me smile, a LOT. And Tony Stark with that kid, trying to fix his armor… that was pretty cool. 

All in all though, it didn’t have the same feel that the other movies had… and that feel was what made them unique and special. It’s worth watching, don’t get me wrong, just, in my opinion, not worth paying to see. I’d wait until it came out on DVD, then either buy it or rent it from Redbox. 

Idiots at the Mall

I’m working on an Iron Man 3 review right now, too, but, well, this comes first.

We went out for my birthday today. (It’s on Monday, but he has to work so this was the best day to go out of town) We took munchkin to the Children’s Museum in Greensboro and to the Four Season’s Mall, because… well, to be honest, the Danville Mall sucks ass. No good stores and they ripped out the only place for the kids to play, the Mega Bounce.

Anyhow, while in the mall, I got to witness quite a few of my pet peeves! Yay! …Not. So, here’s a list of pet peeves, and all around stupid stuff I got to see in the mall today!

Idiots in the food court who were talking as LOUD as they could, laughing like hyenas, and all around sounding like a group of braying donkeys. You were stupid. You looked like dumbasses. Hence, why many people were throwing you looks of “shut the ever loving fuck up” at you. And when you got up to ‘bro hug’ your buddies like you’re in a gang or the mafia or some bullshit? You looked more stupid.

The lady who wore tight zebra striped/zig zag pants… in a size 36… Lady, I’m all for being comfy in your own skin and whatnot… but DAMN. No. You look like someone stuffed sausage into a casing about 10 times too tiny for you… meaning those tights, they’re probably TOO tight. We could see your outline of your ovaries. You didn’t look hot. You looked like a hot mess.

Idiot with his pants down by his ankles x 100… You don’t look cool. You look like you have a saggy diaper on, and you need a change. It literally looks like you crapped your pants and that shit is hanging down low off your ass because you have turds in your jeans.

The dickhead who almost hit the shopping cart with my KID in it when we had to stop at the grocery store. Watch where the fuck you’re going. I don’t care if you’re 50 or 1000 years old. You come within an inch of my kid, and you had better expect me to go apeshit on your ass. So don’t look at me like I’m an idiot or like I’m crazy when I get in your face for almost hitting my daughter with your truck. I was loading groceries in the car, you plainly saw her and you KNOW it, and you could have parked on the other fucking side.

Kids running all over hell and creation. Where the hell are the parents?? I know it’s a Children’s Museum, but damn! You’d think you’d want to at least have the kid in EYESIGHT while you’re there, so that, you know, no one SNATCHES them. But no. Obviously you bring them in order for you to get some peace and quiet while you play on your Ipad. Which… not going to happen anyhow. It was nowhere NEAR quiet there, the siggy other and I felt like we’d just been front row at a Metallica concert when we left. Migraine City.
Kids who want to play in the toddler area and PUSH around toddlers. In particular… my almost-2-year-old. Seriously, the mom is RIGHT there, you’d think she could tell her kid to keep her hands to herself… but no. Not a damn bit. Instead she has to let her push around the toddlers. That kid better be glad she wasn’t mine… I’d have dragged her to the car and left right then and there the moment she put her hands on another child.

That’s not all of them, but those are the main ones who came to mind. I just felt the need to get that off my chest. Adios for now! Happy early Cinco de Mayo everyone!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Local Mother kills her 2 month old, now getting death threats VIA facebook... REALLY people?

Ok so to be completely honest… I wasn’t even going to make a posting about this. I think it’s a truly sad thing that happened, the mother who did it should be punished if she’s found guilty, and my opinion is that she’s guilty as sin. Nothing else to really say about it, right?

Well wrong.

Let me link you to the story first of all.

Basically, this local woman from my area is accused (note the word ‘accused’) of beating her 2 month old son to death. CPS had been called on her 2 times in April before this happened. CPS failed this child, there’s no doubt about that.

However… that being said…

First, where’s the hate for dad? He could have had JUST as much to do with his son’s death as the mother did. For all anyone knows, he was the one beating that kid. But no, let’s blame the mother 100% before the trial even starts. Because, you know, evidence doesn’t mean shit when it comes to matters like this.

Second, the death threats and other shit on the mother’s facebook are HORRENDOUS. Seriously, some of you I can understand, you’re teenagers. You don’t get that Post Partum Depression and sociopathy and other mental issues can play a large role in crimes like these, and thus you think mental disease in cases like these is a cop out. But the adults… come on, just because it’s social media doesn’t mean you need to act like children. Be an adult. Let due process occur. The mother will get her day in court, believe me. And no one will let her get away with shit if she’s guilty. But for shit’s sake, let the day HAPPEN. Some of these people look absolutely ignorant with the stuff they’re saying.

I understand emotions are running high. That poor baby was brutally abused by SOMEONE. It could be the mother, it could be the father, it could be someone else for all we know. All I’m saying is to let the police do their job, and stop making death threats and what not. It’s not necessary. If she did this, she’ll either get put to death or rot in jail or die in jail. If she did it, she won’t get off. But make sure she’s guilty before you start with that kind of talk.

And yes, prayers for this baby who’s suffering is now over. I don’t care what denomination you pray or worship to, even Wiccans and Pagans can send good thoughts for this child. But seriously… try and use a clear head when you have something to say about things like this. People can be sicker than you know…