Some of you may remember me posting about my grandpa last night? Well, for those who don't, he had a mini stroke the night before last, and was unable to walk, had BAD hip pain, plus the issues from the stroke, so my parents convinced him to go to the ER. Mini strokes, however, can't be 'proven' or diagnosed VIA machines, they go by symptoms, at least that's what we were told. He had all of the classic signs of a mini stroke.
We got him admitted, had to basically argue with the ER doctor for THAT to happen... and as we thought, as soon as the meds wore off, he was in worse shape pain wise in his back than he was before. My pop does NOT go to doctors... so when he caves, something is WRONG. He can barely walk to use the bathroom...
They said last night, it was definitely a fractured hip. Well this morning, they decided they were wrong... no, instead they think it's something to do with his spine.
They want him to do physical therapy. Without a sure diagnosis. With a seriously bad back problem. Didn't want to do an MRI, didn't want to do ANYTHING.
I mean, I'm all for physical therapy, it was a lifesaver when I had broken my ankle. The difference is... THEY KNEW MY SHIT WAS BROKEN! They have NO idea exactly why my poor grandpa can barely fucking MOVE, and they want him in physical therapy?? DO YOUR DAMN JOBS and fucking get a diagnosis before you toss him in therapy for fuck's sake!!!
And my Aunts, who have YET to volunteer to do SHIT to help my grandma out around the house while he's in the hospital... get off your asses and help your dad. Come after work and mow the lawn, trim the hedges, clean the fucking pool that you bitched at him to open, HELP DO SOMETHING!!! ME and my SO should NOT be the only ones over there, but goddamn it, if we have to we'll be there day and night to make sure he gets the rest he needs once he goes home...
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