Monday, December 16, 2013

#NoTeenPreg ... AKA: A lack of common sense.


Common sense for dumbasses... 

Apparently, this is a thing. Kids now have to be told by celebrities that it’s a stupid as shit idea to get knocked up before graduating high school. When I was in school… we called this common sense. It was common sense to not get knocked up in high school.

It’s not about being judged, it’s about not rewarding when a teenager does something stupid, sometimes on purpose, and changes their own life, the life of the other person/parent, the child itself, the parents of the teenager… the whole FAMILY is uprooted.  But, you know, saying that teenage pregnancy is a bad thing is so wrong…
See? This prick wouldn't be calling people beached whales
if his mom had just swallowed... #NoTeenPreg!!

Anyone else seeing how stupid that is?

Honestly, think about it. I have a friend and an acquaintance who has had children in their teens. One of them is doing very, very well… she lives on her own, her son is 13, she’s an A student in college and she graduates with me in  May as an Early Childhood Educator. The other person I know, and many like her… well, she works minimum wage, parties all the time, shirks her child off on others, does poorly in school, gets all welfare she can get, etc. How does her life sound to you?

I know it doesn’t sound great to me. That’s why I did all in my power to keep myself from becoming one of those statistics.

But apparently, people think this campaign, the NoTeenPreg campaign, is shaming young mothers.

The minority in Teen Pregnancy. Not the norm. 

It’s not SHAMING the ones who already HAVE children… what’s done is done. It’s telling those who could possibly be trying to conceive on purpose or not using protection or thinking that it will never happen to them, that there’s so much MORE they can achieve than changing diapers. There’s no crime in that.

With shows like 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom glamourizing pregnancy for teenagers, they NEED the truth about teen pregnancy, or hell even pregnancy in general. When, on these shows, do you see just how bad the early pregnancy can be? Do you get to see the puking at all hours of the day? The shooting vaginal pains? The feeling of having a head pressed against your innards and making you ache? The sciatica, the swollen ankles, the peeing yourself when you so much as laugh too hard or sneeze or hiccup? No. You see girls who are getting some form of support, who usually have their basic needs met, who often do not have to work, who have HELP.

The Truth about Pregnancy. 
Ask any mother. Pregnancy sucks ass. It sucks HARD. It’s a lot of morning sickness and pains and aches and being kick-boxed like a MMA fighter is trying to break a record inside of you.

And the post-pregnancy? Motherhood? Oh don’t get me started… It’s a joy, don’t get me wrong, I love my snotface to death. I’d do anything for her, make any sacrifice I needed to, including my life, willingly. But it’s HARD. The infant months, the newborn months… Newborns are up half the night, you don’t get to ‘train’ them to sleep through the night like some people say. It’s tough. It tests you, tests all of your limits. And teenagers are mentally not developed enough to deal with all of that.

Think about it, teens brains are still developing. We don’t fully develop until we hit our 20s. Being a parent is an adult job, it’s something you expect of a grown-up, with a fully developed brain.
The truth about parenthood
summed up in one image...
So why would anyone expect a teenager to be capable of doing what an adult would?

And that, by the way, does not include the obvious thoughts of who is going to watch the child while the mom works, is the mom going to graduate high school, or go to college, how is she going to become self -sustaining?

And people are still defending teen pregnancy? Maybe if teenagers listened to their parents and stopped listening to the ‘stars’ of Teen Mom, they’d be making better choices. I don’t know about you, but a pothead mother who doesn’t even have custody of her own child and gets into physical fights with her mother and others (Jenelle) or one who wants to star in pornos and is more worried about plastic surgery and getting her kid’s eyebrow’s waxed versus her child’s well-being (Farrah), are not the best role-models for my child, or any child.
This is not a role model. This is a Porn Star.
There IS a difference, people.

So, I stand behind this campaign.


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