So I’ve noticed that a lot of pregnant women seem to think that they are… entitled, so to speak… to special treatments when pregnant. Some things, yes, take advantage of. (When else will you have a chance to get your partner or others to pick things off the ground, or always seem to hold the door open for you, or be extra lovey to you. And the occasional foot rub is marvelous…) But some others I’ve seen? No. Just no. Pregnancy is not a disability or illness… we’re carrying a child/children, not invalid. So what are you not entitled to do?
Seriously people, you’re pregnant, usually, this is a choice
you chose for yourself. (even accidental pregnancies have a choice, whether
others agree with them or not) Don’t act like a raging psychopath because the
store is out of Snickers, or because Starbucks got your Latte wrong. (I’ve seen
both.) Don’t act like a nut and scream at your kids because you’re frazzled.
Your hormones are going crazy, that doesn’t mean that you need to go nuts at
the world. Self-Control. Get some.
2-Eating enough to feed an army.
Again with the whole self-control thing… Yes, eat a little
more when pregnant! Indulge every so often! But don’t use being pregnant as an
excuse to gorge yourself on every piece of junk food and crap you can find…
Remember, what you eat WILL affect your baby and his/her weight when born. The
healthier you are, the healthier your child is.
3-Letting the house go to complete s**t.
Should be obvious… we’re pregnant, not invalid… If washing a
load of dishes is too much for you, then you’re in for a rough time with a
newborn, let me tell you. (NOTE I’m not talking about women who are on bedrest
or pelvic rest and have a medical condition… I’m talking about the precious
princesses who think that pregnancy entitles them to a muscled guy in a
loincloth feeding them grapes and rubbing their feet all day)
4-Ignore your other half’s needs.
This should be common freaking sense. You are NOT disabled…
if you cannot make it in the parking lot, maybe you shouldn’t be in the store.
I mean, honestly. You taking a handicapped space, takes that space from some
elderly person or disabled person who REALLY needs it. Common Sense. You know
your limits, park as close as you can, walk slowly, take your time, and you won’t
need a handicapped space. If you’re worried about safety, then think about that
in advance before you choose what stores to visit that day.
Think about it… you are not entitled to treat people like
shit because you are now pregnant. Hormones be damned. How would you like it if
your partner went off on you every 3-4 days, out of the blue? Because men have
a hormone flux similar to our period, every few days. Would that make you
happy? Probably not. If it’s not an excuse for him, it sure as hell isn’t one
for you.
7-Expect to be waited on hand and foot.
Again, you’re not disabled… You can get your own food most
of the time. Once in a while is one thing, asking for the royal treatment all
day every day for all 9 months? No. Just no. Get your own bowl of ice cream if
you want it so badly…
Again, enough with the entitlement… If a store does not
allow the public into their restroom, respect that and go to a store that DOES,
make a mental note that this store does not, and move on. Don’t throw a hissy
or cry until you get into the bathroom. They have the policies they have for a
reason, whether you like it or not. Play it smart, if you’re prone to having accidents
if you can’t get into a restroom in time, either go to the bathroom whenever
you can, and/or get some pads and wear those to add some extra protection to
your undergarments. It’s a lot harder to leak or pee through a pad than it is
bare panties alone.
Again, he can’t do it to you, you can’t do it to him. This
includes going off on him for no reason, possibly laying your hands on him,
screaming for no reason, etc. Even the most understanding men can only take so
much punishment before they snap, and leave. Treat your partner the way you
want him/her to treat you.
10-Act like a know it all.
Pretty simple. You do not know it all because you now have a
child in you. Being pregnant does not make you know all about being pregnant, because
every pregnancy is different. If you give advice, make sure to say that this
was normal or off or right for YOU, and that everyone is different. Don’t come
off as pretentious.
What pregnancy entitlements annoy YOU the most?
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