I got to thinking last night, about how Chloe will be here
in a few weeks, and how ready we are to have our second little sweetie in our
arms and happy at home. I also got to thinking about things that I had thought
I was 100% sure about… like if I really wanted to breastfeed her.
Now, I’m not going to lie, I know that it’s the best thing
she could get from me, the best present I could give her... and don't get me wrong, I think the act of breastfeeding is a beautiful thing and a great way to bond… but honestly… I hated
even trying with Rayne. It hurt, it was uncomfortable, I felt gross when
friends visited and I had her attached, and she didn’t take to it, so for a
week, she was constantly hungry. My milk came in, but she wasn’t getting any of
it. My other half had to pump one side with a manual pump while Rayne tried to
nurse on the other side. And then I’d still have to pump the side she had
nursed on, because she never got more than an ¼ an ounce, and there’d be
another ounce or two in there. And the pain of having engorged breasts is
absolutely horrendous…
But, the pressure to succeed is incredibly strong nowadays…
You hear it all the time… Breastfed babies are smarter than
formula fed ones. Breastfed babies sleep better. Breastfeeding is the best you
can do for your child, if you don’t try you failed. Breastfeeding is the
strongest bond a mother and child can have. Breastfeeding is what you do when
you care. It’s better, keeps your child healthier, makes the baby stronger,
reduces SIDS, etc. We are bombarded with studies and websites and various people telling us that this is what we NEED to do.
That is a LOT of pressure to do something that, honestly,
should be a personal choice.
I have seen some mothers tell other moms they are poisoning
their children by using formula. I’ve seen them say that they are borderline
abusive for not breastfeeding or even trying to. I’ve seen women say that all
women should breastfeed their kids and that if they can’t, they aren’t trying
hard enough because all women can do it. Why? Why do we have to lecture moms
who decide to do things in a perfectly acceptable way?
I don’t want to even try this time, if I’m honest with
myself. I catch myself checking out formula prices and bottles when we go to
the store. I don’t look at breast pumps as much, if at all.
Will I try and breastfeed again? Probably. But it won’t be
because I want to, as much as it will be because it’s what’s expected of a ‘good’
I want to go back to work in May or June. I’m not graduating
college to hang a degree on my wall and call it a day. I want to work. It’s
going to be FAR harder for me to do that… if I am breastfeeding. That is a BIG
thing for us.
I don’t understand why women have to judge about things like
this so much. These personal choices do not determine how good of a parent you’ll
be… Whether you vaccinate or choose not to, circumcise or not, breastfeed or
not, delay solids or not… it does not determine how good or bad of a parent you
So, do I want to breastfeed again? If I’m honest… no, I don’t.
The closer it gets to her being here the more nervous I get and the more I can’t
stand the thought of it. But I will try.
Just to keep the people who can’t leave well enough alone off my back.
Do you think women who don’t breastfeed are bad moms?? Why
or why not?
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