Tuesday, August 6, 2013

She's tougher than daddy!

Oh my god. I thought I had seen it all, when it comes to toughness in my kiddo. I was wrong.

This evening, my daughter just out-toughed her dad, AND his work buddies at the shop! And she’s 2!

A couple of days ago, my other half had his friend bring him back a box of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans from Universal Studios Islands of Adventure.  In case you have no idea what those are, let me explain. They have some good flavors, like blueberry, raspberry, cherry, lemon drop… and then, there’s the OTHER flavors, like vomit, rotten eggs, earthworm, earwax, booger, and dirt.

 All day yesterday, they were chowing down these things, and gagging and spitting out the BAD flavors, like vomit, earthworm, and dirt. Well, the kiddo wanted some. And just because there’s gross flavors, doesn’t mean I’m going to shelter her from them. So, we gave in and let her have some.

My kid ate them like a CHAMP. Only gave any unsightly face at the dirt flavor, and she tried pretty much every other flavor in the box. I was expecting gagging, spitting it out, the typical reaction. Instead, she ate it with a straight face, and asked for MORE. I was shocked! And proud!

My kid out-toughed her dad! And it was awesome! 

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