Saturday, December 21, 2013

Munchkin Minis #1 - Deli Owner spreads his Love Juice in Bottled Water

Welcome to the first Munchkin Minis! This is where I'll be posting a small little thing here or there that caught my eye, and will share my views on it, in a smaller article format than my usual blog posts.

Ok so I was on, and came across this article here:

So did you read that? Let me clarify. A deli owner opened a bottled water (Or many, who knows exactly how many bottles he tainted with his love juices?) and jerked off into the water, put the cap on, and sold it. To customers. Customers who could have been planning to use that water for their kids.
My face when I initially read that article...


I have a few small questions about this…

First: WHY in the hell would a deli owner feel the need to DO this? Seriously, watch some porn and get off into your sock or some tissue like every other dude on the planet! You don’t need to spread your seed into the water you sell in your deli!

Second: Uh, is anyone else not wondering why the lady who bought the water didn’t check the SEAL before drinking it?? I mean… I ALWAYS check the seal to drinks, because there are nutjobs in the world nowadays.

May or may not contain jizz
Third: Has ANYONE thought to test the rest of the water that the guy was selling?? How many innocent kids or other customers could have drank this?? I used to buy bottled water to make formula for my infant in a pinch, I’m sure others have done the same… An INFANT could have drank that…

And lastly: Has ANYONE had this sick jerk STD tested? God only knows what she and others could have been exposed to!!

Yuck. I’m going to be more vigilant in checking the seal to my drinks from now on, I don’t know about you. 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty FIRED!

Ok, so this is a HOT topic right now. Phil Robertson, of Duck Dynasty fame, has been fired for some remarks he made on homosexuality in a GQ interview. He was quoted as saying “It seems like, to me, a vagina -- as a man -- would be more desirable than a man's anus," Robertson says in the January issue of the men's magazine. "That's just me. I'm just thinking: There's more there! She's got more to offer. I mean, come on, dudes! You know what I'm saying? But hey, sin: It's not logical, my man. It's just not logical." And “"Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there," he says. "Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men."

For whatever reason... this guy is popular...
I'm not a fan of the show, so what would
I know?
He then went back and said that he didn’t mean it like that and that it was taken out of context or something. (Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight…. Sure you didn’t)

Where to begin with this…

First off, despite what I think personally, he’s entitled to his opinion, even if I personally do think it’s crap. I think we have the ability as humans to NOT watch the TV if he offends us, and just change the damn channel instead of being up in arms.


I agree with A&E’s decision to suspend him indefinitely. (C’mon people… he’s been fired. Just call it what it is and stop sugarcoating it.)


Because, they have the RIGHT to do so! I don’t care what he says, or what he does in his personal time. But once you are in front of a camera, you are held to a higher standard. You sign a contract. And I’m sure in that contract, there is a clause about what you can or cannot say to the press. (This is A&E we’re talking about, not PBS. I’m sure that’s in their paperwork) And you follow what they tell you when you are getting a paycheck from them.
See this? It's called a contract. You sign this, and
you do what they tell you, and say what
they let you say. Like it or not.

I support the right of a business to decide who they serve. Like that bakery who refused a gay couple a wedding cake, and got court ordered to do it anyways. I don’t agree with their message or idea, but I agree with them getting to choose who they want to serve. There are many other bakeries that would have been glad to make that cake, it wouldn’t have hurt anyone to go to one of them. Same thing applies here.

I don’t agree with Phil Robertson. His Bible is not EVERYONE’s Bible, it’s not the ‘Holy Word’ of the whole world, and he should not expect everyone to think what he does. And I sincerely doubt his ‘Loving God’ would be happy about all of the judgment and hellfire that they’re spouting.  You can make a rebuttal statement saying you didn’t mean it like that all you want, but when you’ve been filmed saying the same thing and WORSE while preaching before… yeah. Not buying it. That’s called apologizing or rewording your statement to try and save your ass. Nothing more.

But I don’t CARE what he thinks. Just like I don’t care what people think about unmarried couples, or what they think about other religions. It does NOT affect me. It therefore does not bother me.

But it DOES affect A&E and their brand. And if he can’t censor himself for a simple interview, despite what he was being asked, then they CAN hold that against him. This is the channel that brought us Queer Eye for the Straight Guy if I’m not mistaken, for crying out loud! Did he REALLY think that opening his mouth like that would come with no repercussions?? C’mon!

A&E has a standard to uphold, and this didn’t happen because he believes in God or the Bible and feels like he does. It happened because he opened his mouth and said things like he did in an INTERVIEW with GQ.

They don’t want to compromise their beliefs? That’s cool. But don’t expect A&E to put up with some of it forever, especially when they’ve been warning you about it for a WHILE now. And by some of it, I mean the things like what he did the other day.

In the same interview, he made racially charged comments about how he never heard black people complaining in the Jim Crow south, too. And people think that’s OK? Jeez, it’s like lemmings! Because this popular celebrity figure does something stupid, we think we need to stand behind him, because, you know, it’s all about his RELIGION and not about the crap he’s saying and how it can damage the brand of the company that airs his show! It’s all about his religion!
Pagan Traditions: Bringing
Christmas to a city near you!
This ‘War on Christianity’ crap is getting so old. My religion had people burned at the damn stake by Christians. Christians took over TONS of our traditions and warped them for their own faith… like the Yule Log, the Christmas Tree, the DAY Jesus’s Birth is celebrated on, EASTER and the Easter Bunny… the list goes on. And if you don’t believe me, look it up. All of those things are based off of Pagan traditions. Jesus’s birthday wasn’t even ON December 25, it was sometime in August or September. Look it up. Seriously. Some of the stuff that’s been used as Christian traditions came from Pagan holidays and traditions.

I hope that puts things into perspective a little bit. If anything, there’s been wars on religions, as people are putting it, for YEARS now, but it sure hasn’t been about Christianity. Christians are just getting mad about the fact that Christianity is no longer the big dog in the kennel when it comes to religion. TONS of other religions are picking up steam in the US. It’s not all about one religion anymore. And that is driving the more extreme Christians NUTS.

Anyhow, that’s off topic. Simply putting it, I agree with A&E’s decision. I support the firing of Phil. And I think people need to think about it more from a business perspective and less of a religious one.

Happy Holidays everyone! 

Monday, December 16, 2013

#NoTeenPreg ... AKA: A lack of common sense.


Common sense for dumbasses... 

Apparently, this is a thing. Kids now have to be told by celebrities that it’s a stupid as shit idea to get knocked up before graduating high school. When I was in school… we called this common sense. It was common sense to not get knocked up in high school.

It’s not about being judged, it’s about not rewarding when a teenager does something stupid, sometimes on purpose, and changes their own life, the life of the other person/parent, the child itself, the parents of the teenager… the whole FAMILY is uprooted.  But, you know, saying that teenage pregnancy is a bad thing is so wrong…
See? This prick wouldn't be calling people beached whales
if his mom had just swallowed... #NoTeenPreg!!

Anyone else seeing how stupid that is?

Honestly, think about it. I have a friend and an acquaintance who has had children in their teens. One of them is doing very, very well… she lives on her own, her son is 13, she’s an A student in college and she graduates with me in  May as an Early Childhood Educator. The other person I know, and many like her… well, she works minimum wage, parties all the time, shirks her child off on others, does poorly in school, gets all welfare she can get, etc. How does her life sound to you?

I know it doesn’t sound great to me. That’s why I did all in my power to keep myself from becoming one of those statistics.

But apparently, people think this campaign, the NoTeenPreg campaign, is shaming young mothers.

The minority in Teen Pregnancy. Not the norm. 

It’s not SHAMING the ones who already HAVE children… what’s done is done. It’s telling those who could possibly be trying to conceive on purpose or not using protection or thinking that it will never happen to them, that there’s so much MORE they can achieve than changing diapers. There’s no crime in that.

With shows like 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom glamourizing pregnancy for teenagers, they NEED the truth about teen pregnancy, or hell even pregnancy in general. When, on these shows, do you see just how bad the early pregnancy can be? Do you get to see the puking at all hours of the day? The shooting vaginal pains? The feeling of having a head pressed against your innards and making you ache? The sciatica, the swollen ankles, the peeing yourself when you so much as laugh too hard or sneeze or hiccup? No. You see girls who are getting some form of support, who usually have their basic needs met, who often do not have to work, who have HELP.

The Truth about Pregnancy. 
Ask any mother. Pregnancy sucks ass. It sucks HARD. It’s a lot of morning sickness and pains and aches and being kick-boxed like a MMA fighter is trying to break a record inside of you.

And the post-pregnancy? Motherhood? Oh don’t get me started… It’s a joy, don’t get me wrong, I love my snotface to death. I’d do anything for her, make any sacrifice I needed to, including my life, willingly. But it’s HARD. The infant months, the newborn months… Newborns are up half the night, you don’t get to ‘train’ them to sleep through the night like some people say. It’s tough. It tests you, tests all of your limits. And teenagers are mentally not developed enough to deal with all of that.

Think about it, teens brains are still developing. We don’t fully develop until we hit our 20s. Being a parent is an adult job, it’s something you expect of a grown-up, with a fully developed brain.
The truth about parenthood
summed up in one image...
So why would anyone expect a teenager to be capable of doing what an adult would?

And that, by the way, does not include the obvious thoughts of who is going to watch the child while the mom works, is the mom going to graduate high school, or go to college, how is she going to become self -sustaining?

And people are still defending teen pregnancy? Maybe if teenagers listened to their parents and stopped listening to the ‘stars’ of Teen Mom, they’d be making better choices. I don’t know about you, but a pothead mother who doesn’t even have custody of her own child and gets into physical fights with her mother and others (Jenelle) or one who wants to star in pornos and is more worried about plastic surgery and getting her kid’s eyebrow’s waxed versus her child’s well-being (Farrah), are not the best role-models for my child, or any child.
This is not a role model. This is a Porn Star.
There IS a difference, people.

So, I stand behind this campaign.


Friday, December 13, 2013

Who enjoys the Holiday Hassles? Not me!

It’s the holiday season!
So grab your wallets, push those shopping carts.
Don’t forget to see what’s in stock.
And remember to drive like someone’s biting your c*ck,
Because it’s the season of sales and dumbasses!

How’d you like my rendition of that holiday classic? Because that’s how I feel right now. I had to go cash the other half’s check today, so I decided to finish off the holiday shopping. I did really well, too. Got him his gifts, one from me, one picked out by the snotface, got my parents a gift, got my grandparents a gift. Only spent 24 bucks. Not bad at all.

The DRIVING that people were doing though… Oh my GOD, it was horrible!! These people seriously cannot drive! You do not stop in the middle of a lane to cross 2 lanes and turn just because you forgot where your turn was! You do NOT do a U-turn in the middle of the road! You do NOT cut off someone who is attempting to go around your slow ass, for no other reason than you don’t want someone to pass you.

I cannot stand how bad the driving is this time of the year! It’s like watching the stupid people, the lemmings, try and interact with everyone else. Children screaming at their parents, the parents not doing anything about it… The shitty drivers attempting to drive like the other people, and failing for that matter. The adults acting like children about various sales and coupons. It’s silly and ridiculous.

Do I shop during the holidays? Yep. Do I go nuts? Hell no. I went to Bath and Body, ONLY because I had a 25 dollar gift card, and shit was buy 3, get 3 free. That has been the ONLY major sale I hit up this season. Everything else has been normal clearance. Hell, I had my daughter’s Christmas all bought before Thanksgiving, with the exception of a tricycle, which we got second-hand, looking like brand new, for $15… That’s about $30 cheaper than the stores, mind you, $45 cheaper if you go to Toys ‘R Us. (She got a Radio Flyer, those things last forever) 

So why kill each other? Why can people not get a few things here and there as Christmas gifts for the year? Why buy all after Black Friday? It’s so much hassle! Count me glad that I planned ahead. I’m glad I’m not stressing like the people I see on a daily basis, figuring out how to cram a basket full of gifts into the budget with bills and food.

Screw that.

Screw the hassle.

I’m content just relaxing and enjoying the end of the semester with my kiddo and other half, and not stressing about going to the store for the next sale. You can keep your holiday shopping, I think it’s for the birds. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Justin Bieber strikes again: Calls a 'Belieber' a beached whale. But, it's ok, right??

Well, here I am, at class, dolled up for a mock-interview that I have to do today for class. I’ve been trying to figure out just what to write about today…


 Do I write about the stupid woman who brought her half-smoked joint into the classroom and forced the rest of us to smell it?? Nah.   


How about the idiot in my first aid class who cannot shut up and stop asking stupid questions, taking up everyone’s time?? Meh, nah.


Paul Walker? While tragic and ironic, it’s not something I need to talk about. And I don’t blog just for views.


So what?


Well, I read an article on The Stir, a Cafemom site, and it really, REALLY pissed me off. Here’s a link, in case you’re curious.



Apparently, the Biebs has called one of his fans, a lovely curvy girl who is a size 14, a ‘beached whale’, while lounging poolside with his entourage. Really, Bieber? And people are ok with the shit he says??? Hasn’t that little mouth-breather, bottom-feeding jerk dug his own grave yet??


Are teenage girls REALLY still head over heels over this loser? Come ON ladies! Have some self-respect! I can see being a fan of his music, but saying he’s a decent person after his recent behavior… no. He SPIT on his fans, and laughed about it! He’s a little lowlife!


People like him make girls think that being treated like that is ok, and it’s NOT. If anything, it’s a detriment to society… It gives an unhealthy ideal of what a relationship should be, and that’s wrong.  Guys are not supposed to act like douchebags and get away with it, it’s NOT ok!


And yet, people think he’s above reprieve. That he is untouchable. That what he does is acceptable. It’s not. And the sooner we make him responsible for his actions, the fewer a-holes there will be in the world, thinking the behavior of these hip-hop / pop / rap musicians is ok and the way to act. Forget that. Hold these people to some standards… otherwise, you can’t complain about the jerk who cuts you off in traffic or the buttwad who gets in front of you in the check out lane. Either all jerks are bad, or none are. There is no middle ground.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Hobby Lobby vs Free Birth Control

Ok, so this is a topic that I’ve noticed a lot of mixed opinions on. Heck, my other half and I had a 30 minute discussion about this the other day and what we thought about it.  Hobby Lobby is fighting the Affordable Care Act and trying to make it so that they don’t have to cover Plan B and other similar forms of birth control. They say that, based on their religious beliefs, they should not have to cover this.

This time, I think religion should win.

Now, I’m not for having religion in schools and stuff like that. I don’t think kids should be forced into a religion at birth, and should have a broad exposure to religion as children to make their own choices when they are old enough to understand it.

But I am so against making a company, knowingly run by Christians, cover something that their religious beliefs are so completely against, that it’s not even funny. I could not even fathom forcing someone into doing what I think, just on the guise of ‘it’s the law now’. Just because it’s law, does not make it right.

Note, I’m not against ALL of the Affordable Healthcare Act; Just certain parts of it, like forcing people to get insurance, or else… and this… and other things.

I am huge on freedom of religion. I’m not a traditional religion myself, so seeing something forced on other religions really pisses me off. I even hate seeing things forced on Christians, and that is exactly what’s happening.

Tell me this… why do you NEED free birth control?

It costs 10 bucks at Walmart for the pill. The health department or Planned Parenthood has bowls of condoms to grab, for FREE, in their clinics.

Why should your Nuva-Ring, or Implanon, or other convenience birth control methods, be free of charge? Cheaper, yes, it should be cheaper. But not free.

My grandmother pays out the rear for her medications… and you think that your free birth control is more important than her getting her heart medicine for the same? Why should your convenience medication be free, when her life-sustaining medicine costs so much?

It shouldn’t.

And that is my biggest issue with all of this. We’re being entitled again. We think that our medicine to make us have safe sex, is more important than the elderly getting their medications with the same price tag. Why is no one protesting the fact that heart medications and diabetes medications and things of that nature are so expensive that our elderly are living in poor conditions and scrounging to get by? 

Because it doesn’t affect us directly, so we don’t care.

It’s wrong. And I personally am tired of it.

Do I think Hobby Lobby and Christianity has some tired ideals? Oh you better believe it. But I do think they should have the right to refuse paying for some birth control options, and I do think that we need to worry more about the elderly before we worry about something as trivial as birth control.

One day, you are going to need these expensive, life-saving medicines… and  then you’ll understand the reason that I’m so heated about this. Then, you’ll be protesting about those medicines going up in price.