Wednesday, February 5, 2014

My 4 days Early Preterm Labor and 'Almost' Birth Story

Well, I went into labor yesterday.

Color me surprised, because before yesterday, my only big issues were black outs, and dizzy spells, and numbness of the legs… All of a sudden, I’m supposed to be almost completely on bed rest, minimal house work, minimal lifting of my toddler… And you know what, that’s going to be impossible. It really is.

First, my other half works 6 days a week, in the morning and afternoon. And he’s not that big on housework… if I leave it to him, I’d be swimming in piles of laundry and dirty pots and pans, and all kinds of other stuff that HAS to get done. So, I have to do it. I have to run errands since by the time he’s off, the utility company and banks are often closed. I have college work. I have to care for the snotface. I have way too much to get done.

And these things HAVE to be done.

I’m 36 weeks and 3 days. I’ll be 37 weeks on Sunday. I get why they want me to wait and take it easy, but I don’t see it happening… I don’t have the extra hands to be in bed with my feet up for the last 3-4 weeks of this thing!  

And don’t get me started on the hospital… the nurses were lovely, they were nice and all… but damn. I had a shot of Terbutaline, a labor stopping drug. I was told it would sting a bit. It BURNED like the fires of hell had gone into my arm! I’ve had a few shots that hurt, and HELL, not even my Spinal Block from my last C-Section hurt like this! She dismissed it, and said it’s not that bad.

And you are me, how? Yes, I know many women have no issues with these drugs, but when I scream, not from the needle, but from the pain of the medication, that should tell you something! My other half was worried I was allergic to it or something, because he gets a similar reaction when he has morphine.

Second dose of it? Just as bad.

And the kicker? Not only did my pulse soar to 145, and actually hit 160 at one point, but my baby’s went up to 220. I KNOW that’s too high. And no one did a damn thing. No one was the least bit concerned.

The contractions did stop… for 2 hours. Then the contractions began to come back, and the cramps were worse. I’ve been cramping since before they decided to send me home last night. They told me hot baths for the cramps and bed rest.

I also got Phenergan, and that just made me sick. Like… really sick. I was sitting up, and had to lay back from the wave of dizziness and nausea… No warning that it was going to do all that. All I was told, was that it would make me feel drunk.

This was not drunk. This was ‘Holy hell what the hell is going on here…’

My hand where she blew out my vein...
This was AFTER a pressure bandage
had been applied...
Oh yeah, and because the nurse didn’t want to listen to me about where my best veins were… she blew out a vein in my hand. I tried to tell her to go for the arm, but no. She insisted on hand or wrist.  I remember the issues my old OB’s office had with veins in my hands... it doesn’t work well. So, knowing I was right, and to be dismissed like that… ugh. And she even KNEW that the veins weren’t great, and tried anyhow! She said about 4 times how they kept twisting and rolling where she couldn’t get them…

I screamed like no one’s business when she put it in. I hadn’t felt pain like that in a LONG time. (Oh, yeah I had… about 2 hours earlier with the labor stopping meds… I had forgotten. My bad.)

And then, when even she looked skeptical, she turned on the IV pump. A lump immediately swelled up and I arched my back and screamed. I thought my hand would explode. And then she tried to blame it on me to another nurse, saying I had flinched when it was inserted. No, ma’am, I didn’t, my other half even told me I had laid as still as a board while she did it, and never moved until she said it was in. That was on her.

Now, I have NO faith in this place to do my C-section surgery. And I’m way too late to find another place.

I’m currently at home, cramping still, and exhausted. My kid has been a terror today… She has climbed me like a jungle gym, despite me even having to pull her off of me and tell her no repeatedly. She has jabbed her feet and elbows into my stomach in anger because I would not let her climb me. She has tried to crawl into the floorboard of my car after her doctor’s appointment and kicked me in the chin when I lifted her to stop her. She hit me about a dozen times in the Dr’s office. I tried to be nice, got her an Orange Julius since we had to rush out the door this morning… she dumped about 1/3 of it all over her sheets and mattress, and herself and played with it while watching Little Mermaid. And the constant whining has been just… nails on a chalkboard, people. Yes, I have gotten on her for acting like this today, she's not just walking all over me 24/7. It's just been one of those meltdown days...

I’m already over today. Is it bedtime yet?

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