Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Summer College Mini Rant

I swear, college with a toddler is a pain in the ASS.

I have class 4 days a week, all the same class, and yes, we’re cramming ALL of the class into 5 weeks. So I’m pretty stressed out and tired and just blah. I’m ready to sleep by 4. I drag myself along and make myself all happy and in a decent mood to go pick up the runt, and we go home. And I friggin’ crash. Like, complete CRASH. I end up laying on the couch trying not to fall asleep, while I motivate myself to even open my text book or notes, and review from class. Or I go into booger’s room and watch a movie with her.

And I am DRAINED by 8. I continue dragging along, because the only time I get with the ‘hubs’ is from about 5:30 PM to 11 PM. And I relish and crave that time with him so much it hurts sometimes. He doesn’t get how much we miss Daddy during the day. And yeah, we know he’s tired. But sometimes we get so excited that we can’t help it… She wants to try and tell him about her day and I want to tell him about how the day went and hear about his day, and it gets overwhelming. I’ve been trying to reign it in more, and keep the kiddo calmer for a little while longer to let him unwind.

We can’t help that we love him and miss him. *smile*

To be honest though, I can’t WAIT until summer class, the one I have to go to the college for, is done and over with. I just want to take the kid to the pool on occasion and rest, not be running all over hell and creation getting her to the sitter, then all the way back into town, then ALL the way back to get her, then home. By the time I’m done, it’s over an hour total of driving and it’s tiring. I just want to sit by the pool one day a week with the snot nose, and bask like a giant turtle, absorbing the heat. I want a tan line for once! I wanna sit up there with a cool iced tea and watch her play with my cousin, swimming in the warm pool water…

Oh well. 2 more weeks, if that.

2 more full semesters and one more summer class until graduation!!! 

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