Monday, December 14, 2015

Some People Should Not Have Kids...

Well, I finally saw it. I saw someone being so incredibly irresponsible that I actually called the cops on them. What was it? It's something we hear about all the time in the news in the summer, but never in the winter... 

Well, it was 3 children, all aged 4 and under, left alone in a car, the car running... one of them was an infant who looked to be between 5-7 months old. Both older kids were jumping around in the car like Thing 1 and Thing 2... difference is, the Cat in the Hat was nowhere to be found.

Concerned, since I am a mother myself, I stopped, got my kids out of the car, and stood with my kids waiting for a minute or two to see if someone came out of the grocery store. Keep in mind, this is a full grocery store, not like a mini mart... it's still not right when someone does this at a mini mart or gas station, but it's so much worse when it's a damn supermarket sized grocery store...

When no one came out, I did what a responsible person should and would do... I called the police. Gave the make and model of the car, the color, the number of kids in it, and the license plate. Stayed there and made sure these kids were ok, since no one was monitoring them or watching them at all.

"Hello, 911, I need to report a dumbass..."

The mom came out, and glared at me fit to kill.

Really, lady?


How DARE you be concerned for my kids' well being, you b*tch!!

You left 3 small children in a running car alone while you went to get groceries. Screw you and your hateful looks. And you could tell, she knew I was on the phone with the cops. She was quick to get her ass out of there when she saw me.

And you know when the cops showed up?? 15 minutes later. Well done, Danville City Police Dept.

Seriously did you need a goddamn donut break before you headed this way
or something?

Seriously, a few things about this just irritated me to the point of needing to write about it. (And putting my other post on hold until I finished) First off, the cops didn't even care. You hear all the time about these people who go to jail for leaving their kids unattended in the car... not these people Why? Because the cops here couldn't give a shit.

Second, what kind of parent leaves 3 children under the age of 5 in a car alone by themselves anyhow? And before you say anything, yeah no there is no way any of those kids were 5. I have a 4 year old, I know what that age looks like. These kids looked 3-4 as the older, the other one, who looked 2, was in a highback booster seat, and there was an infant halfway strapped in because, well, why not. If you're going to break all the car seat safety rules, why not mess up those infant straps as well. It's not like they need them, right? They don't save lives you know. That's all some stupid conspiracy.

Eh... good enough.


And yes, I watched her pull away... did not buckle a single child, or fix anyone in their seat. Just threw her stuff in the front seat where the eldest was sitting, and took off.

Well done mom.

People like that should not breed.

And I'm going to finish my little rant, by saying one thing... for her kids' safety's sake, I pray the woman learns to use a car seat and figures out how to get her kids out of the damn car to shop. One day, it's going to be summer, and leaving kids in the car in summer can kill them in minutes.

Take your kids into the store with you people. It's not complicated, hard, and while it's not convenient, it's sure as hell better than something bad happening while you're shopping.  

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